Monday, April 29, 2013

April 28, 2013

April 28, 2013

OPENING HYMN: Take My Life, and Let It Be

DEVOTIONAL: 2 Timothy 4:16-18

"At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me: I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge. Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me until his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen."

Every one of us has a great work to do. "What could you accomplish for God, knowing He has your back"*

*Reflection- Daily Devotionals- Church Growth- Extension- Acts 15-28- S.S. 2013

SUNDAY SCHOOL: Acts 23, previous Sunday (April 21), Acts 22

Chapters 22 and 23 show us how Paul reacted when "he was falsely accused of bringing a Gentile into the Temple"**- Acts 21:29

In Acts 22 we see Paul defending himself by giving his testimony.  (In my opinion, your testimony is the most witness you can have.)

In Acts 23 we see that the unfavorable reaction of the mob to Paul's witness lead him to being brought before the Sanhedrin- a Council comprised of Pharisees and Sadducees- where Paul believed that by telling the truth they would see he was innocent of the charges brought against him. 

Appealing to their better nature might would have worked had the men he was appealing to not already decided he was guilty.

Changing tactics Paul began to "divide and conquer", pitting the beliefs of the Pharisees against those of the Sadducees. Having been a Pharisee himself, Paul declared he was being targeted for his belief in the ressurection of Jesus- an event the Sadducees refused to give consideration to.

This statement turned the "accusation against him into a matter of doctorine and not personalities"**.
It was this dissension between the Council that allowed Paul to live and in turn added more momentum to the chain of events that would bring Paul to Rome- putting his "issue" before the Roman governor in Caesarea. 

As a side note: Due to being a Roman citizen the fact that his very life was in danger, Paul was escorted, under the cover of night from Jerusalem by 470 troops!!!

** Adult Quarterly/ Adult Lesson Commentary- Church Growth, etc.

HYMNS: There Is A Name I Love To Hear
                Each Step I Take
                Thank You, Lord

PRAYER REQUESTS: Military, Government, Schools, Medical Issues

SERMON: Ezra 9:5-8
We all need reviving in our "bondage", a release from the problems in our lives. As a society we have been cultured to show no pain. Yet as we go through the Bible, we find many men, including Jesus, who had openly broken down and wept. 

A constant growth process- it is easier said than done to "give it to God". As a human- whose earthly body is full of sin and imperfection we can give the idea of our problems to God, yet their essence still remains- swirling round and round in our heads, driving us crazy, popping up at the most inopportune times to kick us in the rear. Luckily we had God- a person who is always there to take what we have to give, no matter how many times we have to give it.

What are you going to lay at the alter of God today? What burdens do you need to give to God and ask for his reviving?

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Finding Lost Things

I have this shirt I like to wear- I got it as a hand me down. It’s baby blue and in block letters on the front it reads “FOUND”. Since I work with children, a lot of them read it and ask what it means. I turn around and get them to read the back- “For this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. Luke 15:24”. The rest of the verse which is not on the shirt reads- “And they began to be merry.”

I find, like most shirts, this is an excellent witnessing tool. And for today, the beginning of our topic. 

I find most of the time, in my life, things have a tendency to happen in threes. And when they do- I pay attention.

Earlier this week there was a post on Facebook saying something like –“It’s not really lost until your mother can’t find it!” As a mother, I have truly perfected the art of finding lost things. Mainly it’s the TV remote, and it can usually be found wedged between the seats of the love seat the kids and I like to sit on. There have been times that I have found it on the bathroom sink and in the bread box.

Just this week one of my lovely children lost my car keys. I searched for an hour and a half! No joke. I was going crazy. Retracing steps, asking question worthy of an investigative detective, enlisting the help of anyone in the vicinity. About half way into my quest I had a realization.

Every time I have lost something of significant value- I have eventually- at my wits end- stopped and prayed, asking for God’s help. Within minutes I usually find the item in question and with a heartfelt thank you continue on my merry way. 

As I was frantically searching for my keys, thinking on “finding lost things” I remembered the parable from Luke 15:8- a woman scours her home looking in every nook and cranny for a piece of silver she has lost. When she finds it, she is over come with joy. Verse 10 goes on to say- “Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.”

While I may be good at finding my lost things and rejoice happily at their return, I know there is one who is infinitely greater at finding lost things than I and the joy that comes with being found is limitless.

I pray that if you are lost today, that you too will soon be found.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 14, 2013

Greetings from Clearview Missionary Baptist Church, here's a review of how our Sunday went.

OPENIGN  HYMN: Come, Thou Fount

DEVOTIONAL: 2 Timothy 3:10-12- Consequences of a Godly Life

"But thou hast fully known my doctorine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch , at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution."-KJV

It's plain, if people have and are going to continue to persecute Jesus himself, people will not doubt do the same to you as one of his followers. Take comfort in knowing that while your rewards may not be what you imagine in this life, everlasting life with Jesus awaits.

SUNDAY SCHOOL: Acts 21:1-40

Expounding on our devotional, we continued our exploration of Acts. In verses 4-14 we find the Holy Spirit talking to both Paul and the other disciples. There seems to be a bit of contradiction here as the Holy Spirit tells the disciples one thing- warning Paul not to travel to Jerusalem, and telling Paul that he must go. I believe this to be a test of sorts for Paul, much like Jesus was tested in the Garden shortly before his crucifiction.  Both knew ahead of time that death was in their future and knowing this they both willing continued on their path.

"This was the first in a series of events that would ultimately lead Paul to being sent to Rome and, eventually, to his death at the hands of Caesar."- Adult Quarterly- Church Growth- Extension-Acts 15-28, Spring Quarter 2013.

Being imprisoned gave Paul the chance to write his books and witness to a group of people he otherwise might not have had a chance to witness to- the Roman guards. This was how the word of Jesus was able to cross continents.

"And the night following the Lord stood by him, and said, Be of good cheer, Paul: for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome."- Acts 23:11-KJV

HYMNS: Praise Him! Praise Him!
                Dwelling in Beulah Land
                When We All Get to Heaven

PRAYER REQUESTS: Medical Issues, Government, Schools, Unspoken, Country

SERMON: Zechariah 4:1-4

The 4th Vision

Unlike the 3rd vision, this vision was filled with symbolism and as such is complex and hard to understand. I'm going to break it down and hopefully get the point across in a way that helps it to make sense.

God is our never ending supply. Be it of courage, encouragement, inspiration. We can trust that when God chooses us to do a job, that he has chosen right. Take for instance the many times he chose a baby to see his works through.

Baby Issac- started the plan of salvation
Baby Moses- would lead the captive Jews out of slavery and into the Promised Land
David- a shepherd boy with a slingshot would take down a giant and one day become king.
A boys' small lunch would feed the multitude.
Baby Jesus- laid in the manager- would die to save us all.

Like in verses 7-10, it shows a clear promise that Zerubbabel would start and complete the temple. And like Zerubbabel, God will bring us to and lead us through and works he deems us fit for.

If as you're reading this and you begin to wonder what God's will for you might be, know he already has three things in mind

1- The will of God is for everyone to be saved.
2- Join a church, be baptized, and get to work in the mission field.
3- Study- " to show thyself approved" 2 Timothy 2:15

CLOSING HYMN: Let the Beauty of Jesus Be Seen

Send us your comments,  we'd love to hear from you.

Have a blessed week.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April 7, 2014

As I’m sure you can tell from the large lapse between dates, it’s been a while since I’ve posted here. I can only blame it on pure laziness; putting things in my life ahead of using this blog as a missions tool.

So here’s what we did Sunday, April 7, 2014 at our church.

Opening hymn: Amazing Grace
Devotional: Galatians 6:1-10- Meeting the needs of others.
Sunday School: Acts 20- Paul is winding up his mission trip in Asia.
Hymns:     All Hail The Power of Jesus’ Name
                Love Lifted Me
                Each Step I Take

Prayer Requests: For our country, government, and schools

Sermon: Zechariah 3:1-10

                Zechariah was given 10 visions, this chapter deals with the 4th. Differing from the first 3, this vision has actors that need no interpretation as it literally explains itself. There is Joshua- the High Priest, Jesus- the angel of the Lord (notice the capital L- this refers to a theophany- an interaction with the pre-incarnate form of Jesus Christ with man), Satan, and his other angels.
3:1-3      As the vision begins Joshua is standing in front of Jesus. Here, Joshua is filthy- literally covered with the wages of sin- a symbolic image of the iniquity of the nation of Israel at the time. Jesus is standing in as our defender as Satan stands at his side, our accuser. What happens in the vision is a picture of what God does for us. Jesus is our advocate and defender representing us at the throne of God- rebuking Satan, casting him into the lake of fire.
*             It is important to note that Satan cannot condemn us for sins that Jesus Christ died for. From the moment that we ask Jesus to enter our heart and cleanse us of our sins there can be no condemnation. See Romans 3:25.
*             We will one day be judged, but only on those sins we committed after salvation, but it is important to know that once we are saved by Jesus, we are always saved.

3:4-5      The day that Jesus saved us, he gave us new clothes, the clothes of saints also seen in Romans 12:1-2 and Revelations 19

3:8-10    The BRANCH in this passage is symbolic of Jesus and is a vision of him speaking in a future event- Seven years after the tribulations.

Closing hymn: Are You Washed In The Blood

Let's get a conversation going- feel free to post your questions or comments.