As I make my resolutions for the New Year, I am resolving to change what I've been giving to Christ.
If you're anything like this writer, then you're far from perfect; and there are PLENTY of things in our day to day life that can be improved upon.
Among that long, long list of things I'd like to change is the way I serve God. From ministering/witnessing, to the way I worship, to the amount of tithe I give, there are plenty of ways I can become a better Christian and so can you.
It doesn't have to be a big thing, in fact, it can be a lot of little things.
Forget to say your prayers?
There's nothing written in stone that says they have to be said at the end of the day when you're dog tired. You can say them when you're in the shower, or inhaling that first delicious scent of morning coffee.And I don't think I'm overstepping my bounds when I say, I don't think God would mind you dropping him a line on the way to get the mail, or when you're stuck in afternoon traffic. I'm pretty sure He's available 24/7.
Know someone who's going through a tough time? ie. home bound, sick relative, down on their luck
A quick phone call, visit, or a smile in passing can do alot to lift a person's spirit. Invite them to church, call and let them know you're praying for them, or take them a meal.
Don't read you're Bible as much as your supposed to?
You're not alone. Infact, that's a major reason I'm starting this blog. I do better with encouragment. By knowing you're counting on me to write a post here, I'll be more likely to pick up my Bible, read a few verses, and hopefully write something that comes out making sense. So, find a few friends on Facebook, Twitter, or whichever social site you prefer and start a game of Bible Tag. Send a verse to your friends, have them send a verse back, and so on.
Want to portray yourself as a better Christian?
Who doesn't? It can be as simple as skipping the gossip, or refraining from making a questionable joke. Like Newton said, or at least I think it was Newton- could have been Einstein- Every action has a equal and opposite reaction. Make sure your actions have a positive reaction. The way we portray ourselves outside of church is the strongest witness we have. As a Christian everybody is watching us, waiting for us to mess up. And mess up we will, it's inevitable. Because even though we believe in Jesus Christ and are washed in his cleansing blood, we're still human and humans after all are sinners by birth (Psalm 51:5).
If you give it some thought, there are plenty of things we as Christians can do to improve ourselves In this new year, resolve today and everyday, to give your bes to the Master. After all, God gave us his best- his only begotten son (John 3:16)- isn't it time we started doing the same for him?
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