Sunday, January 22, 2012

One Chance

"And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth."- John 11:43

In the coming days, we will experience a resurrection/ rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:14-17) when Jesus shall come down from heaven and give a loud shout. In doing so, the dead that have been saved shall rise from their graves, and the living who have been saved will rise into the clouds and join them.

(I can hardly tell you how eagerly I am awaiting that day)

My question to you is, Are you prepared and ready for when the Lord comes and calls you home?

(Be honest!)

Just as Jesus called Lazarus forth, He is calling us to tell the world of Him; to give testimony/ to witness/ to share the gospel.

Following the rapture, there will come Judgement (2 Corinthians5:10), a time when all saved will stand before Jesus Christ and give an accounting for what we've done with our life. Unlike Lazarus, we only get one chance.

Lazarus was called back from the grave to give an opportunity for those around him to belive in Jesus Christ and to believe in His power and His glory. He was called back so that he would have a testimony.

Never doubt the power of words be they spoken, or written.

Today Jesus is using you, you are His Lazarus. It is through the sharing of your testimony that you glorify Jesus and His all mighty power. Your testimony is who you are, it is your faith, and your witness. And it may just be your testimony that saves a friend from the firey gates of Hell and puts them in the loving arms of Jesus where they belong.

So as you go out into the world this week, look for the opportunity to tell someone how great God is, to tell them how wonderful His Son Jesus Christ is. Don't let that one chance that you might have slip by.

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